The athletic program at Domingo Trevino Middle School strives to teach students physical and mental skills, self-discipline and sportsmanship, while motivating student athletes to strive for excellence on and off the field. The value of participation in sports is broad and life-long, as student athletes develop teamwork, organizational skills and leadership skills which prepares them for the next level of their educational careers. At DTMS we offer an extensive list of sports like: football, volleyball, boys and girls soccer, basketball, cross-country, track, baseball, softball and golf. Student athletes at DTMS are held to the highest standard in order to achieve lifelong success!


The Domingo Trevino Middle School orchestra is an award-winning group that participates in UIL competitions, school spirit events, community presentations and field trips. Orchestra programs provide students the choice of learning to play the violin, viola, cello or the spring bass while exploring the vast multicultural music the world has to offer. The DTMS orchestra program provides students an opportunity to learn a life long skill that creates a sense of achievement, increases self-esteem and develops positive social and emotional growth.
"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." -Plato

Dance is the act of rhythmically moving the body and feet. This is usually done to music, and the dancer often follows an established pattern of steps. Styles range from Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Modern and Pom. DTMS offers dance technique classes as well as a competition performing group called the Jr. Silver Stars.
Folkloric dance, like the English term “folk dance”, means dances of the people. This type of dance reflects the traditions, cultures and beliefs of people in a particular region. Folkloric dance expresses the life and spirit of a people through its movement and music. Men waving handkerchiefs. Women rhythmically swirling and swishing their skirts at their sides. There are lots of brightly colored costumes. Sometimes the dancers sing and yell out. What is this fantastic performance? It’s folklórico, of course!
DTMS offers folklorico technique classes as well as a competition performing group called Grupo Folklorico Cinco Soles.

In Theatre Arts, we explore ways to go from the page to the stage. We emphasize creativity and collaboration, and perseverance. Areas covered are roles in theatre, movement, acting, reading plays, theatre design and technical work, and viewing performances. Students will be creating projects throughout the year in groups as they would in the professional world.

The DTMS Husky Band offers students the opportunity to learn woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments while developing fine motor skills, rigor, persistence, and teamwork! Various concerts, competitions, festivals and other performances give our wonderful students a chance to perform collaboratively and achieve musical excellence.

At DTMS Choir we offer students the opportunity to develop proper vocal technique and gain confidence as a singer. The classes here are both creative and enjoyable. Being a part of a choral group is a very rewarding experience. Students develop many positive life-long habits, such as teamwork, self-discipline, and leadership. We welcome students of all different levels from beginning to advanced! Students have many opportunities to perform in front of audiences to help them build confidence and experience. Some of those opportunities are as follows:
Fall Concert, Winter Concert, and Spring Concert.
Audition for Region Choir.
Solo and Ensemble Competition.
Pre U.I.L and U.I.L Contest.
Perform at school events– i.e., singing the national anthem at pep rallies.
Field Trips-i.e., Christmas caroling, end of the year trip, etc.

Art instruction helps children with development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness. Visual arts teach learners about color, layout, perspective and balance: all techniques that are necessary in presentations (visual, digital) of academic work. Aside from the new skills students will develop, they also have the opportunity to compete in state competitions, such as Jr. V.A.S.E, doodle for google and more.

These courses give students the opportunity to start their high school credits and practice their abilities in technology and productivity.
6 Grade- Touch Systems Data Entry (1/2 Credit)
7th Grade- Principles of Information Technology (1 Credit)
8th Grade- Business Information Management (1 Credit)

Our educational institution recognizes the importance of strengthening the learning of the Spanish language, through motivation, awareness, training and preparation of study texts that adapt to the needs of students. In the same way, our study plans provide readings that generate an improvement in the quality of life and strengthen skills along with a second language, allowing our students to have a clearer vision of their roots and idiosyncrasies. Above all, it provides them with the opportunity to become aware of the economic, social and cultural problems of our community, thus preserving the identity that is essential in the formation of their personality. More so, preparing them for their post-secondary preparation exams and earn advanced credits.
7th and 8th Grade Only
1 High School Foreign Language Credit For Each
Spanish 1- Bilingual
Spanish 2- Bilingual
"El libro es fuerza, es valor, es poder, es alimento, antorcha del pensamiento y manantial del amor." -Rubén Darío

This principles of applied engineering course is a Level 1 secondary course for high school credit. It provides 8th grade students the opportunity to explore the various fields of engineering through scenarios and group projects. Students will discover the different types of engineering and engineering-related disciplines, as well as typical skills, like problem-solving, collaboration, and communication. They will also receive an overview of the interrelationships between the different areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics as they engage in hands-on activities. At the end of the year, students who pass the class will earn a credit for high school. This can be applied to the Engineering or Manufacturing Programs of Study as a Level 1 credit, or to any other Program of Study as a Regular Elective credit.
8th Grade Only
1 High School Elective Credit
Life Fit (PE Credit)
Dance Technique
Contact counselor for more information.

The Spanish Language Arts course provides the students with the opportunity to develop reading and writing skills in their native language. The goal of this course is for students to become competent in listening, speaking, reading and writing in the English language by building their primary language. In effect, students are able to participate equitably in school.

Reading 180 and System 44 are reading interventions designed to improve the reading comprehension and fluency of students in grades 3-12. These programs were selected by the district because they include all the components of a successful reading intervention including: a scientific base and proven results by focusing on three key components, the programs delivers just-in-time intensive intervention and a supportive learning environment that the most challenged readers urgently need.

UIL provides leadership and educational experiences through competition. It encourages youngsters to enrich their education and expand their horizons. Leadership and citizenship experiences through interschool activities help prepare students for a more useful and wholesome life. Events offered: ready writing, dictionary skills, science, math, calculators, listening skills, modern oratory, number sense, chess, impromptu, prose and poetry, spanish poetry, spelling and much more.

Discovering Languages and Cultures is an elective course that we offer here at Domingo Trevino Middle School. Using age-appropriate activities, students explore a variety of aspects of one or more languages and cultures and/or develop basic language learning and communicative skills.

The purpose of the Society is to promote cross-cultural acceptance and understanding in students of Spanish. Our Domingo Trevino members participate in projects in the areas of ambassadorship, service to school, and service to community. Students take pride in working together with Alton Recycling Center. They also collect pull tabs to donate them to the Ronald McDonald house to help kids with cancer. Furthermore, they collect bottle caps that are taken to the DIF institution in Reynosa, Mexico. Our society members partner up with our Special Education students to embellish their learning while they are creating long lasting friendships. Students have fun while building interest and helping others.

At Domingo Trevino we are a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of our teachers and students. We huddle together to read, worship, learn, and have fun while we become active role models and vivid testimonies of our faith.