JLHS Social Work

Greetings Husky Nation,
My name is Xochitl Garcia, LBSW at Juarez-Lincoln High School. I have had the privilege of being JLHS Social Worker for the past 8 years and look forward to continue to provide that connection between Juarez-Lincoln High School, students, parents and community.
Service to students: I have an open-door policy to all students. I am here to assist you if you need a pencil, guidance or just need someone to talk to.
Service to parents: Reach out to me if you need community resources, assistance with your child or to be part of our wonderful group of parent volunteers. I am here to provide you with the necessary resources so that you can continue to be the excellent parents you have been.
Service to staff: There are many factors that might be affecting a student’s performance such as health, financial stability, social issues, and so much more. Let me know if you need additional information on a student or how I might be able to assist in providing that additional assistance to student and their families.
“Freedom for me is the sacred right to think… education is the fundamental part for social happiness; it is the principle on which liberty rests, and the growth of all town.” – Benito Pablo Juárez
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” -Abraham Lincoln
Social Worker Links
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention/ Fundación Americana para la Prevención del Suicidio https://afsp.org/
Anxiety and Depression/ Ansiedad y Depresión Child Mind Institute https://childmind.org/
Tobacco + Vaping Prevention/ Prevención de Tabaco + Vapear Truth Initiative https://truthinitiative.org/
American Heart Association https://www.heart.org/en/
Health and Wellness/ Salud y Bienestar KAISER PERMANENTE https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/front-door
Alliance for a Healthier Generation https://www.healthiergeneration.org/
RGV Emergency Resources/ Recursos de emergencia de RGV Mujeres Unidas-Women Together Foundation Inc. www.mujeresunidas.org
United Way of South Texas https://unitedwayofsotx.org/
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Resources/ Recursos educativos para personas sin hogar de McKinney-Vento
Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO) 1-800-446-3142 www.utdanacenter.org
Texas Homeless Network 512-482-8270 www.thn.org
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth www.naehcy.org
National Coalition for the Homeless www.nationalhomeless.org
U.S. Department of Education 1-202-260-4412 www.ed.gov